Server configuration:
* Debian 2.4.27-2-386 (whatever the subversion version is for that OS
* single host, two repository locations. Call the repositories A and B
* A and B are owned by different users and different groups
* Remote access supported via svn+ssh only
* /usr/bin/svnserve is replaced by a wrapper that sets umask 007
before calling the real svnserve
* svnserve started via inetd.conf, with the -t option only
Client configuration:
* WinXP, Eclipse 3.2, Subclipse 1.1.5
* Eclipse installation shared by all users on the client
* Each user has a distinct, private work area for working copies of files
* Certain users should be able to access A, others B. Nobody should
access both.
* Each user has a distinct client login. The default groups are set so
a user should be able to access only the appropriate repository.
* Users routinely tell Eclipse to save their repository access info.
What I find is that, no matter what I do, all svn access to the server
run under the first userid that I give Eclipse. Additional repository
definitions, regardless of which user does the definitions and
regardless of which workspace is being used, always use the first userid
Is there any way to do what I want? That is, have a single host with
multiple repositories and multiple user groups, with access protection
across the repositories?
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Received on Fri Aug 25 15:53:32 2006