On 7/31/06, Mark Phippard <markp@softlanding.com> wrote:
> 1) Project exists in Subversion repository and you use Subclipse to
> checkout the project into your Eclipse workspace.
No, the project had alreafy been checked out and worked on outside of
Eclipse. I want to use Eclipse to continue working on this checked-out
2) Create New Project in Eclipse that you want to add to your repository.
> You use Team -> Share Project to start this process.
3) Similar to #1, except project has already been checked out to some
> folder using svn command line or some other svn client. Project is added
> to Eclipse by using File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace.
> When you do this on Eclipse 3.1 or higer, we automatically recognize the
> .svn folder and connect it to Subclipse. Otherwise, doing Team -> Share
> Project will recognize the .svn folder and offer to connect it.
No. Import Exisiting Project looks for an Eclipse project, but as I have
out what I want Eclipse to start working with is an existing directory with
checked-out from svn and local files as a Java project.
Therefore I used File->New->Project...-> and then either Java Project or
Java Project from existing Ant buildfile (which exists). Both options
do create an Eclipse project from the existing directory but not recognize
that this directory was checked out with svn (since it and all subdirs
contain .svn subdirs).
Also, share project is not possible because that option insists on
checking in the project into a *new* location, i.e. the repository/directory
combination cannot already exist. So this is obviously for projects
only that do not already exist in the repository.
But as I have said, my project already exists in the directory and
the repository URL is there in the .svn files for everyone to see.
Just as an aside, I want to mention that this works without any additional
action in Netbeans (however, the rest of Netbeans Subversion support
sucks and I really would prefer Eclipse for other reasons).
When doing #3, the root folder that you are importing has to contain the
> .svn folder. Here are some links to the documentation. This is also
> available in the Eclipse Help system,
Yes - I do have a .svn folder in the root folder.
Importing Existing Project into Workspace:
> http://svn.collab.net/subclipse/help/topic/org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.doc/html/advanced/wc-outside-workspace.html
This documentation revealed the bug (this is most definitely one): you can
only import an existing svn-managed folder
under one condition, according to the doc:
"The only requirement is that your working copy has to also be a valid
Eclipse project.".
This is strange: why would I want to import something into Eclipse that is
already an Eclipse project.
Obviously, it is a bug of Subclipse not to recognize Subversion managed
folders when the other way (the one
I have described above) is chosen to create (truely create) an Eclipse
project from an existing folder.
So as a last resort I tried to do the workaround and do what the
documentation says about the .project file and copied
one over from another Eclipse project.
However, the import function does still not let me import that folder -- the
Next and Finish buttons are greyed out
and no project folders are recognized although the relevant folder contains
both a .project and a .classpath
It is really beyond me why recognizing that a folder is managed by
Subversion when that folder is getting
adopted as an Eclipse project with "new->project..." isn't done. That would
be the correct place to do it and
there it is simply not done.
PS: I have just recentle moved to Eclipse 3.2 and in there this seems to
work even less than when I last tried
this with Eclipse 3.1. Back then I *somehow* managed to do this, but now it
seems to be impossible.
Received on Mon Jul 31 20:00:09 2006