"BCEE-DVI-ARC" <arc.dvi@bcee.lu> wrote on 07/17/2006 11:18:15 AM:
> we are using IBM Websphere Developer for z/Series 6.0.1 which builds
> IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0.1. Those products include a
> called EGL (4th generation language).
> When checking out EGL projects from the repository, the Eclipse
> gets rebuild. During this rebuild some files, inside the the directory
> structure for the EGL project, get rebuild / regenerated. After this
> rebuild, the files do no longer show the decoration that they are under
> Subversion control. Checking in the files also fails.
> When using CVS this problem does not occur.
> How can I help you provide more information in order to allow you to
> out what the exact problem is?
I have had similar problems with other IBM tools that "generate" files.
IBM seems to follow the approach of deleting all the existing files and
then recreating them. I can understand why they do it this way, but the
problem is that they send the delete through Eclipse, which then tells us
the file is deleted, which causes us to run svn delete.
We added a work around for this problem. You can set a property on your
project named "DeferFileDelete" with a value of "true". When this
property is set, we will ignore all delete requests. So as long as they
recreate the file, it just shows as modified.
One other potential problem ... if they delete a "folder", then you are in
for a lot of problems. Deleting a folder means that the ".svn" folder
beneath it will also get deleted. That will corrupt your working copy and
make it unusable. There are no solutions to that problem. One
possibility would be to only version the files that are the "source" and
not the generated artifacts. The tools I used were generating things like
JSP and XML, so even though they were "generated" files I still had a
desire to version them. So I can understand why you are doing that.
Hope this helps.
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Received on Mon Jul 17 17:31:35 2006