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Re: [Subclipse-users] Why so slow?

From: Mark Phippard <markp_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2006-06-27 18:12:49 CEST

Rob Oxspring <roxspring@imapmail.org> wrote on 06/27/2006 11:58:10 AM:

> I've now tried using the JavaSVN adapter and it doesn't seem to make a
> lot of difference. I've even tried upgrading to 1.1.2 and that seems
> very sluggish too.

The performance change would have only been noticeable if you had been
using JavaSVN. The change just brought it up to the performance level of

> The evidence from all the subclipse installations I have access to is
> that crippling eclipse's performance is normal behaviour. Is there
> really nothing I can do to help identify what's going on??

You are obviously free to checkout the code and try to look at it. There
is nothing in particular I can point you to. Is your repository and
project publicly accessible? If not, try recreating the problem with a
project from a public repository like Subclipse or Apache.

> P.s. totally off topic but is there a reason for subclipse creating an
> offensive looking "SVN" menu rather than a more in-keeping "Subversion"
> menu?

I am not sure what you find offensive, but the menu was not supposed to
appear by default and that has been fixed in trunk. You can use Customize
Perspective to remove it. The intent was to make you use that option to
add it, as you have to for the CVS menu.


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Received on Tue Jun 27 18:13:00 2006

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