I missed the replies while I wasn't subscribed and had to wait for your
archive to catch up (also why I spammed the question, sorry).
> It seems to detect that the parent dir (your workspace) has a
> subversion link and this is confusing to subclipse.
> Delete the .svn information in your workspace dir (not the projects)
> and the message should not occur.
> Or rebuild the workspace in a new location (not under SVN control) by
> checking out the projects in eclipse.
We do have a root directory in subversion that contains all of our
Projects and at this level we have ant build files that can create the
product outside of Eclipse. It's convenient for our build setup to check
out this root directory with all the projects (since they are all
modules of the same application) so I wouldn't want to delete the .svn
information on the root directory (it has svn:externals etc setup on it).
I will try moving the workspace directory away from the working copy.
> This is not a bug in Subclipse (or anything). It is just something that
> happens when you setup your entire workspace as a Subversion working
> copy.
> Which I would recommend that you not do. Basically, some Subversion
> API's we use give us these other items that it knows about, but are not
> part of Eclipse. So when we try to convert the String that Subversion
> gave us to an Eclipse IResource we get back a null. It is impossible for
> us to distinguish between the null being from a genuine error and this
> situation where it really is not an error. So all we can do is report
> the
> error. We have code in place so that you only get the error once per
> Eclipse session. I'd say that is about the best we can do.
/I don't think this is true. None of the Workspace files (.metadata) are
actually in a Subversion repo (no .svm/entries), I don't think that the
Subversion APIs would ever return my problematic 'build' directory
because it knows nothing about it (except that it's an ignored pattern).
It is true that the root of my working copy is also the workspace
directory and I think that some interaction with the Eclipse API
probably causes it, rather than just the Subversion API? (just my guess
from a quick look at the source, WorkspaceRoot class methods might
return these resources?)
Also, it's not that it just reports this error once and continues
happily, it reports this error and freezes Eclipse. I don't think that
it is too unreasonable to have the .metadata directory sitting inside
there or a parent folder for all the Projects; Subclipse might be able
to avoid this problem.
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Received on Tue Jun 13 03:05:50 2006