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[Subclipse-users] [svn-ant] Get latest revision number

From: Irving, Dave <dave.irving_at_logicacmg.com>
Date: 2006-05-19 12:00:00 CEST

I have some ant build scripts which kick off parallel tasks over
multiple remote machines (using remoteAnt).
Each box updates some stuff from a subversion repository, and then "does
its thing".
I want to ensure that all boxes update with to the same revision number.
The repository is very active - and there can be several commits per
minute at certain times.
So Im going to write an ant task which determines the current head
revision number and sets it as an ant property.
This can then be provided to each remote box so that they are all
updating from the same version.
Would such a task likely be accepted by the team as a patch? If so, I
can save having to maintain my own loacl svn-ant repository :o)
All the best,

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Received on Fri May 19 12:00:17 2006

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