>> I'm adapting an existing project to Subversion. This project has
> parallel
>> source trees for test and production code. Is this the best way to
> arrange
>> the folders?
> You should ask this on users@subversion.tigris.org (not subclipse). It is
> a general Subversion question and that mailing list dwarfs us for the
> number of eyes that will read your message and give good advice.
> Personally, I do not understand "test". Wouldn't that just be another
> branch? One way or another, either test or production is just another
> branch depending on whether you want trunk to be stable or where
> development takes place.
No, this is really a Subclipse question. It's about how to structure a Java
project in Eclipse.
I forgot to ask that question: where should the .project and .classpath
files go, that is, where is the root of the project? Under /trunk, or under
/MyProject? Are separate branches separate projects or not?
On the /test directory: parallel source trees is a standard method for
getting around a problem in Java. The problem is that you don't want unit
tests in the same directory as your core code, because they don't end up in
production and they clutter things up. But you can't put them in another
package in the same tree because then you can't test protected methods. So
you set up separate trees with exactly the same package structure so test
code thinks that it's in the same package as the production code, and can
get at the protected methods.
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Received on Fri May 5 19:52:21 2006