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[Subclipse-users] Merge --dry-run No Output

From: Sean Laurent <sean.laurent_at_wicourts.gov>
Date: 2006-05-04 22:12:40 CEST

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had seen a situation where they performed a
dry-run of a merge, but didn't get any output in the Console window.
We want ahead and ran the merge and it worked as expected... it just
didn't show any output in the Console. This was on a Windows XP machine
with Eclipse 3.1.2 and Subclipse 0.9.108. I ran the same merge on a
Suse 10.0 Linux machine with the same versions of Eclipse and Subclipse
and saw the expected output in the Console window. Both setups have the
"Show SVN ouput in the Console View" option enabled.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe,
But at least I'm enjoying the ride.
- J. P. Barlow 
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Received on Thu May 4 23:26:01 2006

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