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Re: [Subclipse-users] getContents and getRevision

From: Mark Phippard <markp_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2006-04-17 15:04:48 CEST

Christian Sell <christian.sell@netcologne.de> wrote on 04/17/2006 08:49:28

> I am again getting back to an issue I mentioned in an earlier mail. This
time I
> want to revert a committed file to an earlier revision from the
repository. I
> go to the Team menu and choose "replace with"->"Revision..". I get a
> history view, and when I right-click on a revision, I see the 2 options
> getContents and getRevision. I am left clueless.
> I choose getRevision (or was it getContents?), and it seems that now the
> file is set back to the given revision, but there is no change to the
> repository (i.e., everybody else that checks out still gets the newest
> revision).
> It seems, in oder to achieve my goal, i now have do getRevision on the
> revision again, and then do getContents on the earlier one. But all in
all I am
> so confused that I rather go get me a cup of coffe first.
> I also I still remember the mess I got last time with the compare tool
when I
> mixed up getContents/getRevision.
> I think these processes need to be made much clearer, with only options
> that make sense in the given context. Right now you can do so many
> things..

These options were available in Subclipse long before I started working
with it. As I understand it, "Get Contents" replaces the contents of the
local file with the contents of the selected revision. If that presumably
produces a file that is now different, it will show as modified and could
be committed.

"Get Revision" is kind of like using "svn switch" to replace the local
file with the selected revision from the repository. Since this actually
changes the file to that revision, it will not show up as modified. If
you edited the file, you could not even commit it because it is likely out
of date. If you did an update, the file would go away and be replaced
with whatever was at head. Presumably this option would exist to do a
special build or something.

If your goal is to undo a change you committed, I would recommend a
different option. Right-click on the file and do Team -> Show Resource
History. Then select the revision, or range of revisions, where you
committed the changes that you want to undo. Then right-click and select
the Revert Changes from Revision XXX option. This will use the Subversion
merge command to undo the changes. This option can be done at the
project, folder or file level depending on how much you want to undo.


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Received on Mon Apr 17 15:05:18 2006

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