"Renneberg, Volker (Bundeswehr)" <Volker.Renneberg.External@eads.com>
wrote on 04/13/2006 09:05:49 AM:
> Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report
> svn: Working copy 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\re23501f\Eigene
> Dateien\eclipse\workspace\SVNTest5\dir' is missing or not locked
> Well, this seems to be an SVN-Problem.
> You might be right, that the read-only-message dialog is being opened
> controlled by some other software element that SVN. The windows explorer
> system properties dialog tells me, that the directory might be write
> (the checkbox is grey).
> The problem does not happen with CVS or without any version control.
> To me it seems to be a problem somehow connected with SVN.
> Are you able to reproduce this problem? I work with eclipse 3.1.2 and
subversion 1.0.0.
The working copy not locked message usually means that something deleted
the .svn metadata folder contained within a folder. See:
As for recreating the problem, you would have to give me what you think
are the steps to setup and recreate the problem. I will then certainly
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