"Irving, Dave" <dave.irving@logicacmg.com> wrote on 04/12/2006 09:19:26
> Mar Phippard wrote:
> > There is a right-click diff option in the history view, but
> > only for the original file that you selected. I think you
> > have to right click on the revision part of the view.
> Yeah... The problem there is that someone says to me "go review changes
> for revision x" - so I bring up the history view from the top of their
> branch and get all the affected paths. Then I want to see diffs for each
> file.
> At the moment, the only way I can find to do this is to manually locate
> each file listed in the "affected paths" in the package explorer (or
> CTRL-shift T).
> This is where I think the new feature might be useful: It's a bit like
> how viewVC (aka view-cvs) lets you view all affected paths for a
> revision, and provides a diff link next to each affected path.
We did add the Create Unified Diff option so that you could at least see
the changes for a revision in diff format. Presumably you want to add a
graphical compare? I guess you would need to write code that gets the
remote resource, and the previous revision of that resource and then feed
them to the compare engine. That should actually be doable. The harder
thing to do is to let you compare that revision against the local working
copy version, because then you have to come up with some way to figure out
where that file is locally so that you can get the Eclipse IResource for
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Received on Wed Apr 12 15:26:02 2006