Thomas Boeck <> wrote on 03/14/2006 04:17:34 AM:
> i am using Subclipse 0.9.108 and Eclipse 3.1.2. In the paket explorer
> the text label decorations are broken. The text decorator truncates the
> first 6 characters of url_short.
> Url works fine.
> Here are a few examples:
> 'fwtools [s/trunk]' --> should be 'fwtools [fwtools/trunk]'
> 'login_beans [beans/trunk]' --> should be 'login_beans
> 'asv2k [trunk]' --should be 'asv2k [asv2k/trunk]'
> 'as2 [unk]' --> should be 'as2 [as2/trunk]'
> The text label decorations in the above cases are configured as
> following: {dirty_flag}{name} [{url_short}]
> I searched the issue tracker but did not find a matching issue. Is this
> a known bug ? Should i file a bug report ?
The url_short decorator is calculated by subtracting the value of your
repository root URL from the URL. You must have an incorrect root URL
defined. Right-click on your connection and choose Properties.
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