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NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message
Hendrik Maryns schreef:
> Hash: SHA1
> NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message
> Mark Phippard schreef:
>> news <news@sea.gmane.org> wrote on 03/07/2006 10:52:21 AM:
>>> I just encountered a bug: I generated Javadoc of a rather large project,
>>> and when doing commit, Eclipse just crashes with the following error
>>> message:
>>> I have this faint feeling this has something to do with Eclipse bug
>>> 87299 (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=87299): I got a
>>> similar problem when writing very long line to the console. Perhaps the
>>> lines written by svn are too long. It should be able to limit svn
>>> console output to a specific width, as is possible in the CVS console.
>> Are you on the latest release? 0.9.108?
> It was 0.9.105. I don´t feel like redoing the thing after an update.
> I created new Javadoc after renaming a package along with all its
> subpackages. Then I deleted the old Javadoc. All in all some 120 files
> spread over 5 folders were created, and about 60 deleted in the same step.
>> There was a bug fixed that could cause a crash, although not reliably,
>> when adding a lot of files at once.
>> As to the console output issue, I did not see in that Bugzilla where there
>> was any recommended maximum length for one message. I have not looked at
>> our code, but I think it all funnels through one place, so it would not be
>> hard to truncate the string before putting it in the console.
> Good.
>> It would be good if you had some way of confirming that was the cause of
>> your crash before we change something.
> I have good grounds for it: I succeeded in committing the whole thing by
> only cutting the process in pieces: committing the deleted folder was
> no problem, but gave me this particular console output that I learned to
> recognise as part of the console problem: the whole console text got
> unreadable because it was somehow squashed together and overlapping.
> You can reproduce this by for example have a Java program output a
> string of considerable length to the console. Then, if this string
> really gets too long, Eclipse crashes. That is what the bug says. Now,
> the addition of the 120-some files still was too much at once, I had to
> do this in pieces too, then it worked. The problem is probably
> independent of the number of files, but rather their fully qualified
> name, and as they were rather deeply nested in folders, they were long.
I have a screenshot of how the console looks like if you output too much
to it. This is the printing of a very large collection. If I make the
collection even bigger I get a crash with almost the same error message,
only this time the exitdata was 21000e. But this number seems to vary
with every crash.
For the Java console, this can be solved by going Preferences ->
Run/Debug -> Console and there checking Fixed Width Console. This
breaks the output automatically and solves the problem.
I saw similar scrambled text when committing the deletion of a large
So the simple solution would be to make this checkbox available for the
SVN console too, as is possible for the CVS console. Shouldn?t be too
difficult, I assume, since they probably inherit from the same abstract
class, right?
Cheers, H.
Hendrik Maryns
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Received on Wed Mar 8 13:35:23 2006