Hello Bart,
Thank you for investigating that and sorry for disturbing you again. I think
on what you've wrote and realized that putting this very system property
into config.ini file will not probably work. The reason is that this
property is read only once, at the moment java.io.File class is loaded and
then it never used, so probably it is set properly by Eclipse, but too late.
May I ask you to perform the following tests now:
1. Repeat previous test, but pass property value on the command line,
instead of config.ini file:
eclipse .... -vmargs -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false
2. Try setting another property (this one could be set in config.ini file as
eclise .... -vmargs -Djavasvn.fastSymlinkResolution=false
Please let me know whether above helped. The problem with symbolic link
you've reported is caused by the code that reports working copy state to the
server, and it finds that broken symbolic link doesn't exist (because
File.exists() returns 'false' for such files). There are ways to detect that
this file actually exists and represents broken symbolic link. One way
(slow) is to call "ls" native command and analyze its output. Another way is
faster, but only works reliably when usage of canonical paths cache is
disabled in the JDK.
So, first system properties disables this cache, and seconds makes JavaSVN
always use "ls"-based approach to detect symbolic links.
It will also help if you'll report what version of the JDK and OS you're
running Eclipse with.
Alexander Kitaev,
TMate Software,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bart van Kuik [mailto:b.van.kuik@sron.nl]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 15:33
> To: Alexander Kitaev; users@subclipse.tigris.org
> Subject: RE: [Subclipse-users] Broken symlink in project
> Alexander,
> This doesn't seem to have any effect. The broken symlink
> still shows up in the team synchronization.
> Besides adding your suggested option, I also changed the
> option osgi.splashPath to check whether the config.ini file
> really got read and it did.
> Bart
> -- Original Message --
> Could you please set "sun.io.useCanonCaches" system property
> to "false" and restart Eclipse? To set this property for
> Eclipse you should put the following line into
> ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration/config.ini file:
> sun.io.useCanonCaches=false
> Then restart Eclipse and check symbolic links handling.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
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Received on Thu Feb 23 20:44:58 2006