"Kraus, Alexander LZ/BHL-IO" <Alexander.Kraus@luk.de> wrote on 02/21/2006
08:39:53 AM:
> I'm developing web appications (JSF, JSP, Servlets) using Eclipse 3.1.1.
> Lately I'm using subversion as a repository for source and binary files
> class). This way I'm able to auto-deploy the new versions to a test web
> application server. My problem is, that there seems to be no way to
commit the
> output folder (WEB-INF/classes in my case) using subclipse. With
> it is no problem at all. Subclipse either comes up with an "Work copy
> locked" error when a "Clean" command deleted the .svn folders in the
> path or doesn't recognize the changes if I leave the -svn folders
untouched by
> deactivating the "Scrub output folders when cleaning projects" option in
> Eclipse preferences.
> I hope you can help me to use Subclipse for my tasks without falling
back to
> TortoiseSVN.
This is impossible to do. Eclipse automatically hides "derived" files
from Team providers. The compiler marks the files it produces as derived.
This is also a terrible idea in general, and I do not think it will work
even with TortoiseSVN -- unless you do not use Eclipse at all. Whenever
Eclipse does a full build of your project it will delete the folders
beneath the classes folder. This will delete the ".svn" folders that
contain the Subversion metadata which means that TortoiseSVN will not be
able to do anything with the files either.
You would be better off running an Ant script on the server to build your
project when stuff is committed.
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Received on Tue Feb 21 14:46:32 2006