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[Subclipse-users] Connection problems using JavaSVN and private key authentication on Windows

From: <taf.undying_at_gmx.de>
Date: 2006-01-30 18:07:38 CET

Hi everybody,

I'm having problems using Subclipse with private key authentication.
When I add a new repository location, after I entered the URL, I'm asked for
the key file location, the password and the user name. When I fill in all
required fields (correctly), the same dialog pops up again (and again, and

I sniffed the network traffic and found out that no connection attempt is
made. So this is not because I filled in something wrong and the server is
just rejecting the connection attempt.
I also used different key files, with or without passphrase, but that didn't
work either.

I'm using Eclipse 3.1.2 with Subclipse 0.9.105 on Windows XP SP2. I'm using
JavaSVN. I've tried to use JavaHL but the installation of it seems to be
broken or something, I don't really know. The error message says, there is
some file it doesn't find.

The server uses Linux, but I don't think that it is the cause of my problem.

I already searched the documentation and the mailing list but I didn't find
anything appropriate, so it would be great if anyone had any hint.

Thank you.


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Received on Mon Jan 30 18:09:20 2006

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