I created a Java project in Eclipse and checked-out individual source folders
into the project folder:
|-> src
| |-> org.xyz.foo (svn:svn.foo.org/module/)
| |-> com.abc.bar (svn:svn.bar.com/module/)
|-> libs (svn:svn.foo.org/libs/)
The project itself is not versionned.
In this case Eclipse does not recognize the presence of versionned folders.
If the project was checkout, then cleaned from .svn folders to be finally
setup as above, Eclipse still offers the team features on versionned folders,
but synchronization attempts to execute team operations fails.
Removing the project from eclipse workspace and adding it again does not help
either (versionned folders are not detected).
Is this a feature that subclipse can offer "independently" of Eclipse, or are
there some prerequisits for it that are not met on Eclipse side? (feature
request for eclipse)
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Received on Wed Jan 25 15:43:19 2006