"Zsolt" <zkoppanylist@intland.com> wrote on 12/13/2005 02:44:39 AM:
> Great news. I have been waiting for this feature so long.
> When this version comes out we will move to svn immediately.
> But on important question: what happens with CVS tags after we converted
> repository with cvs2svn? Will be the CVS tags available?
You have had good answers to your CVS questions. I just want to say that
it concerns me that you consider this a deciding factor in making the
switch to SVN. If this feature is that critical to you, I am not certain
that you should switch. SVN handles tags very differently than CVS. Be
sure you understand those differences and plan for them before making the
switch. A little bit of "UI-sugar" in one GUI app does not change those
differences. When working with your repository, you are still going to
have to work with URL's and revision numbers.
Just want to point this out.
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