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Tagging/Branching Multiple Projects Simultaneously

From: Matthew Wheaton <mdwheaton_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2005-12-06 19:06:13 CET

In CVS, you can select multiple projects, and tag/branch all at once. In
Subclipse, this does not seem available, although I would think it shoujld
be possible.

All our individual Eclipse projects are in the "trunk", and when we tag, we
typically select all projects for a particular tag, and use that as the
directory name in "tags" and copy all the projects to that new directory in

It seems that this should be easy enough to do in Subclipse. One should be
able to select multiple projects, then select a base directory they want to
make the copies in, and then each project is copied to the base directory.

For example, suppose I have 3 projects in Eclipse


In my SVN repository, the directory structure looks like this:


Now, In Eclipse, I want to tag all three projects as "Release_M1". I would
envision highlighting all three, right-click, Team, tag. Then the dialog
opens and allows me to browse to the "tags" directory in SVN, using that
base, now I add "\Release_M1" to the string (or provide another field to
enter the new tag name, implicitly appending it to the base directory). So
now the destination will be "svn://svn.someplace.com/svn/tags/Release_M1".
After execution, the directory structure should look like this :


Is this already possible ?

Because as of now, I have to select each project individually and manually
edit the destination URL in the dialog.
Received on Wed Dec 7 05:06:13 2005

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