I don't know what client adapter you are using, but javaSVN is storing
user/pass stuff in the
eclipse keyring now. Someone who knows more will tell more, I wouldn't
want to steer you
wrong. Damn my lack of a short term memory. And email searching skillz ;-)
Russel Winder wrote:
>I am using Eclipse 3.1 with Subclipse 0.9.36. I use svh+ssh: protocol
>and went through the dialogue for nominating the key file and
>passphrase. It all seemed to work fine. I ticked the box for storing
>the information and that seems to work fine. Two questions:
>1. Is there a way of unstoring the information? I want to try using it
>where I have to go through the dialogue every time to see how irritating
>it is so as to decide whther to permanently store the information with
>the attendant security risk.
>2. Where is the passphrase kept? It used to be in
>~/.subversion/auth/svn.ssh but isn't any longer -- I just need to check
>security issues.
Received on Thu Oct 27 17:09:39 2005