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Re: still can't get svn+ssh to work with javasvn and private key

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-09-23 20:42:03 CEST

Dan North <dan@tastapod.com> wrote on 09/23/2005 02:09:37 PM:

> Mark: thanks for the updated plugin - I'm now getting the dialog asking
> for my private key and passphrase. Unfortunately, it's not working for

Was it working prior to this change if you did the older technique to
configure JavaSVN?

> Firstly it isn't recognising the username from the subversion url
> (someone_else@remote.site), so I'm setting it in the dialog. I then give

> it the path to the key file and the passphrase, and it still isn't
> working. Just keeps redisplaying the dialog box.

I believe the username is up to JavaSVN. You probably do not need it in
the URL and can just specify it in the dialog. Perhaps JavaSVN
could/should parse it out?

> The repository I'm looking at (jbehave.codehaus.org) only supports
> key-based authentication, so I'm stumped.
> As always, any help gratefully received.

Hopefully Alex will see this and have some ideas.

> ps. I just discovered that the command line adapter actually updates -
> woohoo! - but I seem to recall being told it was either unstable or not
> to be trusted with small children or something..?

The CLI adapter has always been fine for the basics. It is bad at things
they need to parse status, like decorators and Synchronize.

If the CLI is working over SSH that could be part of the problem. I
believe you have an SSH configuration in place in your Subversion .config
area that JavaSVN tries to parse and reuse some of that info. Try
commenting that out. Alex can provide more details. I think you would
not see the dialog if that were the case, so that probably is not it.

Finally, I recall reading that JavaSVN only accepts key files that are in
certain formats. I think OpenSSH = good, Putty = bad.


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Received on Sat Sep 24 04:42:03 2005

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