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Extremely slow synchronization time

From: Diefenderfer, Kristopher <kristopher.diefenderfer_at_cybertrust.com>
Date: 2005-09-21 20:05:00 CEST



My team is experiencing extremely slow synchronization times. The sync
times dwarf our update and commit times. For instance, it might take 3
and a half minutes to synchronize a few folders and <3 seconds to update
the 5 files that are found to be modified. We've tried switching
between JavaSVN and JavaHL and get the same performance. What is most
worrisome is that our project is brand new and we have very few files
checked in so I can only assume that performance will decrease over


To be clear, we are trying to issue team->synchronize commands from
various spots in eclipse (Java perspective, java browsing perspective,
etc) targeting projects, sub directories or files.


Are there known performance problems in the areas of synchronization?
Are actual content comparisons being done in a sync request? We have a
few binary files checked in, is there a performance issue syncing binary


Important stats : subclipse 0.9.34, eclipse 3.1.0


Thanks for any help


Kris D
Received on Thu Sep 22 04:05:00 2005

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