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AW: Re: The 'I cannot edit any file' HOW-TO

From: Markus Karg <markus.karg_at_quipsy.de>
Date: 2005-09-01 16:08:39 CEST

I am always a friend of helpful hints, but in this case we should think over your idea:
- Actually I also think it is a svn bug: Not only should it remove the readonly-bit at "add", but also at "update", "switch" etc. -- each of this commands issues to svn that I want to have my workspace "remanaged" in some way, so it should remove the flag at each of this commands. Actually this is a svn problem but not a subclipse problem.
- Subclipse should not check for subversion or user bugs (this is my opinion). Only few people will have that problem and all of them will be lucky with an FAQ entry like the one proposed. Putting up more and more hints in subclipse for problems that seldomly occur will only make the UI ugly / overcrowded. Most people will get the dialog for the correct case of locking -- but all of them will ask "Why does this thing ask me if the read lock is set, I just want to lock this file!?".
Have Fun


Von: Mark Phippard [mailto:MarkP@softlanding.com]
Gesendet: Do 01.09.2005 16:05
An: users@subclipse.tigris.org
Betreff: Re: The 'I cannot edit any file' HOW-TO

"Markus Karg" <markus.karg@quipsy.de> wrote on 09/01/2005 09:54:03 AM:

> I am using svnserve 1.2.3 and the latest subclipse plugin (thanks to
> auto update).
> Actually I don't want to lock -- it was Subclipse that asked to do so.
> Sure a fresh checkout will also solve the problem, but if you don't have
the .
> properties file in the repository (what is the case here), the Eclipse
> settings would be lost. My method of ATTRIB + SVN update solved the
> without loss of that information.

I am not questioning your problem or solution, I am just trying to
understand the ways that we could help solve and prevent this in the UI.
The only time a file should have the read-only attribute set in a
Subversion repository is if the svn:needs-lock property is set. That is
also why I think this is a Subversion bug that they do not clean this up
when the files are added to the working copy.

I think if I add something to the lock dialog that indicates it is coming
up because the read-only attribute it set, that might be enough of a clue
for someone to know that they need to remove those attributes if they do
not want to keep seeing the dialog.


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