"Gillies, Andrew" <Andrew.Gillies@pharmology.com> wrote on 08/11/2005
06:02:15 AM:
> I have an existing working copy of a subversion repository and I've
created a
> project for it in eclipse. I'd now like to use subclipse to interface to
> rather than tortoisesvn, but I can't see how to do this. I don't want to
> to create a new project as I'm quite happy with the existing one ! The
> directories don't live within the workspace but are linked to. Does this
> a difference ? Some postings suggest that it does, others that it
doesn't. I'd
> just like to behave (in this regard at least) as tortoisesvn does: it
> sees the .svn directories and it's happy. Is there a tecnical reason why
> isn't the case in subclipse as I'd be interested to know ?
You can do what you want to do, just not the way you are doing it. Your
existing working copy has to be a valid Eclipse project (which essentially
just means it has a .project file). You can then import the project into
your workspace using the File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace
option. This does not move/copy anything, it just points Eclipse to it.
The Eclipse "Linked Resources" feature is something else. Proper support
for Linked Resources mainly means to ignore them and that is what we do.
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