"Ian Brockbank" <Ian.Brockbank@wolfsonmicro.com> wrote on 08/03/2005
11:11:42 AM:
> I don't think this is trying to provide consistency with CVS. I think
> it is trying to provide consistency with other Subclipse menus. You
> have "Compare with Base", so "Replace with Base" is a natural thing
> to expect as well. Obviously this is the same thing as "Revert", but
> that takes an extra mental step and learning. And anyway,
> "Base" _is_ a Subversion concept. Making it behave exactly the same way
> as Revert probably does make sense, though.
In the case of Compare with, there is no other way to do that option. In
the case of Replace with my point was simply that it is an Eclipse CVS
convention. If you were to take someone that knew Subversion and was
using Eclipse for the first time, I think they would look for a Revert
option first.
> > In general I also do not think it is a good UI idea to offer multiple
> > paths to the same functionality. In the long run it is just
> > confusing.
> On the contrary, different people think in different ways, so providing
> multiple paths to the same functionality is good if it supports
> different
I do not think your examples are very good. Those are just different UI
concepts to the same action. I am not arguing against that. I am just
not in favor of taking one action, and sticking it in the same menu in
multiple places with different descriptions. I agree that it increases
the chances of a newbie finding the option, but in the long run (I think)
it leads to confusion.
Do you agree that the option should show the Revert dialog?
If we add this, it seems like Brock ought to also add a Replace with
Branch/Tag that does the existing Switch option?
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