Bernd Rinn <> wrote on 07/29/2005 12:25:05 PM:
> I am new to subclipse and have a basic question: how do I disable
> fetching the "affected paths" in the history view? I want to switch it
> off because it can be quite slow ('svn log -v' vs. 'svn log') and I like
> to keep the history view linked to the editor.
> I came across the option "Fetch affected paths on demand" in the
> preferences but it looks like subclipse always requests the affected
> paths regardless of this option.
> So my questions are:
> * What does "Fetch affected paths on demand" do?
> * How can I disable fetching affected paths in the SVN history view?
Fetching on demand only fetches the paths for the current revision being
changed. So say you are showing the history for an item and it has been
changed 100 times. It does an svn log to get those 100 revisions. Then,
as you click on any given item in the view it fetches the paths that were
changed for just that revision.
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