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Re: Subclipse 0.9.31 with Rational Software Architect

From: Reinhard Brandstaedter <reinhard.brandstaedter_at_ams-engineering.com>
Date: 2005-07-19 09:54:24 CEST

Mark Phippard wrote:
>>on every folder on the whole drive. It's not possible to remove the
>>read-only attribute from the folders (even as administrator). Could it
>>be the case that Software Architect asks for the properties of the
>>folder and not the file and thus issues an lock request?
>>I'm also forwarding this to IBM support.
> I added a workaround that fixes this for the one scenario that I know of.
> It will probably fix it for you too. I just added a "filter" to the array
> that we receive to re-check the read only status of the files. Like I
> said, this fixes it for me.
> This will be in our next release.

I got the following response from IBM Support today:

-- quote --
Software Architect is definitely distinguishing between status of
folders and files.

For instance ClearCase prompts the user to checkin/out folders and
models separately as required:
the addition of a new model prompts for checkout of the parent folder
the modification of the model prompts for checkout of the model while
the parent folder remains checked in

If you open the Resources perspective/Navigator view and right click on
a .emx file and choose properties you will see there are two relevant
check boxes:

Read Only

You can see there that Read Only is not check by default.

Derived means that the object is derived from other resources and should
not be added to configuration management.

If you create a new Folder inside a project, and right click on it, in
the Info Tab of the Properties again you'll see the check boxes:

Read Only

If you mark such a nested folder as Derived then ClearCase will ignore
its contents, although the contents are not marked derived individually.

Note the distinction: RSA allows each resource to be individually marged
Read only/Derived. What specific plugins do with a tree of resources
when the root of the tree is marked read only or derived is not
determined by the core RSA.

Note that you cannot mark derived a top level project from the GUI, and
if you do it programmatically with IResource.setDerived it will be ignored.

See "Derived Resources" in the online help.

I do not know how Subclispe handles the Derived flag, nor if it is
relevant to this discussion.
-- quote --

I've cross-checked Eclipse 3.0.2 with Subclipse 0.9.31 and Rational
Software Architect with Subclipse 0.9.31.
I've created a test model file in a clean Subversion repository (created
commited to the repository within Software Architect with older
Subclipse without problems). The settings you mentioned (read
only,derived) are not set nor any read only flag in the filesystem
(except the default on folders in windows XP).

What happens:
- I can open/modify the model file from within a clean Eclipse 3.0.2
installation with Subclipse 0.9.31 as a text file without any locking issues
- I can open the model file from Software Architect with Subclipse
0.9.31 without any locking issue, but as soon as I want to modify the
model (add a class) I get a request to lock the file several times (as
described before)

Since it's working with a clean eclipse, the question is what's the
difference between eclipse/RSA when it comes to edit the model, except
Eclipse opens/edits as a normal text file and RSA has a GUI for modeling)

I hope this is not too off-topic since its really SA weighted right now.

Received on Tue Jul 19 17:54:24 2005

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