Alex <> wrote on 07/06/2005
09:38:22 AM:
> Noticed a small highly minor bug (but also very annoying for me).
> In the SVN resource history i can view a list of all changes and below
> that is a list of files that have been modified, the last box in this
> view is a list of the comment made by people when they commit the
> changes. In windows this is fine. IN Linux it is always on one line.
> I presume but am unsure that this is to do somehow with differing line
> feed charcters between linux and windows.
> If this is not a bug and just a problem with my set up Id be grateful
> for a solution thanks! :) I'm on Ubuntu hoary, latest subclipse and
> eclipse 3.1 final.
I do not think this problem exists when using JavaHL for your adapter.
There were however some bugs in the cmdline adapter for this functions.
Those should be fixed in the next release. Hopefully that will fix your
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