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Subversion 1.1/1.2 Support

From: Mark Phippard <MarkP_at_softlanding.com>
Date: 2005-05-23 22:49:05 CEST

I just want to clarify the Subversion support in Subclipse.

First, let me state we are only talking about client side support here. It
mostly doesn't matter what version you are running on your server. Second,
this only applies to Subclipse and our usage of native JavaHL and the
Command Line -- not JavaSVN. I will leave it to Alexander to post his
plans/timetable for supporting Subversion 1.2 in JavaSVN.

Subclipse 0.9.30
This is probably the last release to support Subversion 1.1.x. If you
install Subversion 1.2 and try to use it with this version it will not
work. JavaHL will fail to load the library, and the command line output
has changed enough to cause problems. If you replace the svnjavahl.jar in
this release, with one from 1.2, then things will mostly work. The
console messages being one notable exception.

Subclipse 0.9.31
This was just released today and requires Subversion 1.2.x. If you try to
use it with 1.1.x it will fail for the same reasons that 0.9.30 fails with
1.2. There are a lot of new method signatures in JavaHL 1.2, so do not
even think about replacing the svnjavahl.jar with one from 1.1. Virtually
every feature in this release requires 1.2 in one form or another, so
there is really no reason to try to use it with 1.1 anyway.

If you are currently using JavaSVN, and want to continue to do so, then
you should stay on the 0.9.30 release of Subclipse until a notice is
posted about a new version of JavaSVN with Subversion 1.2 support.

Hopefully this will head off some questions.



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Received on Tue May 24 06:49:05 2005

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