Nice doc! I never knew about dch I just always used the changelog mode
in emacs. Also I never knew the explanation for why it didn't work with
Kaffe. This should go on the subclipse website.
Andrew Vaughan wrote:
>(Edit: note that the following applies to the Debian testing and unstable
>distributions. Subversion is not part of the Debian stable distribution.
>How to rebuild on stable will depend on how subversion was
>Building JavaHL on Debian is not hard. Debian's subversion was patched to
>facilitate easy rebuilding with JavaHL (i). It's just a matter of knowing
>what to do. ;) (and that Kaffe is currently unable to build JavaHL)
>The following assumes you already have a JDK installed. if not use
>java-package to install one. (I use Sun 1.4.2 jdk. IBM or Blackdown jdks
>should also work. Kaffe and Sablevm use jikes 1.22 which does not work).
>1. install build-essential packages.
> install subversion build dependencies (ii).
>(as root) # apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts
> # apt-get build-dep subversion
>2. get and unpack the source
>$ apt-get source subversion
>3. cd into the subversion-<version> directory
>$ cd subversion-1.1.3
>4. edit the changelog (this will change the version numbers in debian
>packages). choosing the right version number is important. otherwise
>aptitude/dselect/apt-get upgrade will be always trying upgrade your packages
>when it shouldn't or not not trying to upgrade when it should (security
>updates, new upstream version). we need to use a version number which is
>greater than the version number already in the archives yet which is less
>than the any number the security team is likely to use. I'm using javahl
>appended to the existing version number. (check with dpkg --compare-versions
>if unsure of ordering).
>$ dch -v <debian_version_number>javahl
>eg dch -v 1.1.3-3javahl
>5. edit debian/rules to enable building of JavaHL; and to tell subversion
>which jdk to use
>$ vi debian/rules
>change line 4 ENABLE_JAVAHL=no
>change line 37 ... --with-jdk=/usr/lib/kaffe
> to ... --with-jdk=<path_to_your_jdk>
> eg ... --with-jdk=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4-sun
>6. debian builds the packages listed in debian/control. now we need to add
>javahl to debian/control (otherwise the deb wont get built). luckily
>debian/rules includes a make target to generate debian/control.
>$ rm debian/control
>$ debian/rules debian/control
>7. build the debs.
>$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc
>8. install the just built debs.
>(as root) # dpgk -i ../libsvn-javahl_*.deb
>I normally install all the just built debs with
>(as root) # dpgk -i ../*.deb
>(i) Debian's subversion packaging was patched to enable building JavaHL with
>Kaffe (using Kaffe's kjc compiler). Unfortunately due to a licensing issue
>Kaffe replaced the kjc compiler with Jikes version 1.22. Jikes version 1.22
>will not compile JavaHL.
>(ii) build deps may not always be available for a package in testing.
>(sometimes for unstable too). If you run testing you may need to install
>build deps from unstable.
Received on Thu Apr 7 03:56:46 2005