Wouldn't the part of the ant script you would be replacing with
svn:externals just be a series of checkout commands for different
repository directories to the working copy directory? svn:externals is
just a text file with a list of repository URLs. I would hardly call
that "locked in" but if you're really concerned about it you could keep
a master copy of the externals for each project in an actual text file
in the build directory and have ant reference that and also use it to
create and regenerate the svn:externals property (you would need a hook
script to do this when the externals change). This way the people who
don't want to do the eclipse import team project step could still use
the ant checkout method.
Meme Bag wrote:
> The difference is that dependency info will be stored in Subversion
> instead of ant. That makes us more dependent on our version control
> system than we currently are. Right now all of our version control
> ant calls are wrapped so we can use anything under the covers. If we
> have to specify dependencies as Subversion externals then we can't
> duplicate that information in ant and we're locked in to Subversion as
> our version control system.
> They'll still have to run the ant scripts, since that's how we build
> production releases.
> */Jeff Bowden <jlb@houseofdistraction.com>/* wrote:
> As far as justifying the change to your team, what's to justify? I
> mean, if you set it up and and test it the only difference to them
> will
> be that they do a "import team project set" instead of running an ant
> script.
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Received on Tue Apr 5 04:04:27 2005