I'm trying to bind an Eclipse project and Subversion module with different names.
1. I type in the Subversion module name at the "Use specified module name:" prompt in the wizard.
2. The wizard lets me finish and then a dialog asks "Would you like to synchronize your local project with the existing remote module?"
3. I click "Yes" and a dialog appears saying "Synchronizing SVN (/<XXX>): No changes found" where "<XXX>" is the name of the Eclipse project, not the Subversion module name I typed in.
4. If I go to the synchronization view I see "An internal error occurred processing resource /<XXX>: null"
How do I get this to work?
Also, how do I bind different folders in the same Eclipse project to different Subversion modules or folders? I don't see any options for that.
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Received on Mon Mar 28 06:19:20 2005