I have been using Subversion for a while now but recently had to start
using Eclipse for a project. I decided to use JavaSVN rather than
trying to build libjavahl (which seems to require checking out the whole
of the Subversion source). I got the Subclipse plugin and that loaded
fine. I then got the JavaSVN plugins but they didn't seem to amend
things correctly so had to do things manually. But it all works so no
problem there.
My question / issue is that the plugin seems to assume that only
subdirectories of the repository URL can be checked out as projects. OK
in a project where there can be forks there will be trunk, branches,
etc. but in a project where there can be no such possibility it seems
inefficient to have subdirectories. Subversion makes no discrimination
here, it allows any structure below the root URL. Subclipse however
seems to imposing a specific model by not allowing "Checkout as Project"
on the root URL only on subdirectories. Is this a conscious decision or
a built in assumption? Have I actually been misusing Subversion in all
my past usage.
Dr Russel Winder +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK russel@russel.org.uk
Received on Mon Feb 21 13:31:29 2005