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Re: Newbie: Subclipse and repository layout

From: Hugo Visser <joegi_at_scene.nl>
Date: 2005-02-14 23:07:25 CET

Greg Irvine wrote:
> Aloys/Hugo.
> The easiest solution is to select the "New Location" option when you share
> your project, and specify the full path to trunk (or the branch if you may
> be adding it to the branch).

The only downside of this approach is that I'll get a repository
location for each project. I have many fairly small projects in one
repository right now. Ofcourse I can set up a location for browsing
only. What would be the value for root url if I set up a project like
http://svn/repos/project/trunk. http://svn/repos/project would be the
root url right?

>>It would be a nice feature to have subclipse create the trunk, tags and
>>branches directories and automatically switch to trunk after you share a
>>new project. Maybe somekind of "project template" feature?
> I digress on this issue because the branches/tags/trunk is merely a
> recommendation. How users organise their repository is completely up to the
> user and I don't think the tools should force users to use a layout that may
> not be applicable to their situation.

I understand, but it's also something specific for SVN since tags and
branches are organised that way. When we were on CVS we didn't have to
worry about the "right" structure because there was no need for it. Just
create a module and off you go. Since I'm looking at the task to
introduce SVN as _the_ source control for our java projects I'd like to
have it as easy as possible :)

But I'll try to create separate locations in Eclipse. It sounds more
like the way it should be done :)

Thanks for the help.

Received on Tue Feb 15 09:07:25 2005

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