Leeuw van der, Tim wrote:
> Why don't you use TSVN, some other GUI, or the command-line for checking in? (I use subclipse only, and only, for it's support of propagating file-renaming refactorings from Eclipse to SVN, I do all my WC maintenance from TSVN)
Well the issue is not to big anyway, I imported the project
in several smaller steps and checkout works as expected anyway,
the commit of single takes some time though (around 5-10 secs)
but that one is bearable. Have not tried the command line on this issue,
but I guess that SVN generally maxes out at lots of files, due to the
extra info it has to process on the client.
(Using Reisefs due to the fact that SVN stores lots of small files
and the project itself also has thousands of files)
Received on Fri Dec 17 23:35:35 2004