"Alexander Kitaev" <alex@tmate.org> wrote on 12/08/2004 09:52:57 AM:
> Two things I found very annoing when working with Subclipse:
> 1) all the table views that displays file paths displays only beginning
> the fullpath, so that is absilutely unclear what file is displayed,
> user resize the dialog. And size of the dialog and table columns is not
> remembered, so one have to resize it again and again. I see this
> in commit and revert dialogs.
In the commit and revert dialogs, if you have just selected a single
common root, then the items are displayed relative to that common root.
Otherwise, it is the full location. Basically, if the Commit to URL says
"multiple targets selected" it is a full location. I have never found a
good way to handle table column sizing in SWT. Do you have any
suggestions? In another app we have written for Eclipse, we made an
explicit option to save the column sizes, but I am not sure that would be
appropriate here. I guess we could always just restore them to their last
> 2) In commit dialog I always press "Deselect Unversioned" button not to
> commit unversioned files, but ironically this very button doesn't have
> accellerator character (all the other buttons have).
> Is there is a bug tracker where I could submit these problems?
There is an issue tracker at the main Subclipse web site.
> Also I've noticed, that in 0.9.24 status of the nodes in Eclipse views
> not updated after commit (SVNClient.status(...) methods are not called).
Can you describe this more generally? I do not understand. After I
commit, the decorators change. Is that what you mean?
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