We run a subversion server that is accessed with Eclipse 3.0.1,
Subclipse 0.9.22 using the Command line interface together with
subversion 1.1.1. OS is WinXP. The server is contacted with HTTPS
over a proxy.
The configuration works fine for most users but for one. He gets the
following messages in the console window when checking out:
list -v -r HEAD https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos ...
13 bcsgebi nov. 12 14:45 branches/
16 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:16 tags/
15 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:13 trunk/
list -v -r HEAD https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/ branches --username
rfsyago --password ******* --non-interactive
svn: URL 'https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/%20branches' non-existent
in that revision
list -v -r HEAD https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/trunk --username rfsyago
--password ******* --non-interactive
15 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:13 bin/
15 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:13 doc/
15 bcsgebi 8731 nov. 12 15:13 history.txt
15 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:13 make/
15 bcsgebi nov. 12 15:13 src/
list -v -r HEAD https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/trunk/ bin --username
rfsyago --password ******* --non-interactive
svn: URL 'https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/trunk/%20bin' non-existent
in that revision
cat -r HEAD https://svnserver/cni_sw/repos/trunk/ history.txt --username
rfsyago --password ******* --non-interactive
Somehow there has been a whitespace inserted in the repository path. I
wonder if this can be a misconfiguration, but where? He has no problems
using svn directly from the commandline.
Any idea?
Matthias Reyelt
Software Designer
Brunel CommunicationS
Daimlerring 9
31135 Hildesheim
Tel: +49 5121 1760 805
Fax: +49 5121 1760 999
email: Matthias.Reyelt@Brunel.de
Received on Thu Nov 18 18:28:21 2004