[Fwd: How do I get Subversion to accept my self-signed certificate?]
From: Alejandro Garcia F (El viejo) <agarcia_at_tdexa.com>
Date: 2004-11-05 18:20:13 CET
I installed SUBCLIPSE in Eclipse 3.0 in Windows XP SP 2
"Add http://subclipse.tigris.org/update as an update site in Eclipse's
Now I want subclipse to connect to my server who has my self signed
"There is currently no interface for this in Subclipse, but you can just
svn list https://your/repo
and opt to accept the certificate permanently. From then on, subclipse
The question is how do I run subversion from the command line, sto that
Do I nees to install something?
Any pointer is greatly appreciated.
PS: I also use TortoiseSVN from the windows wxplorer and it works ok.
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