Re: Compare to Base recursive speed
From: Cédric Chabanois <>
Date: 2004-10-19 10:42:26 CEST
Can you add an issue please ?
I don't know whether this has been raised before, but when comparing to base on my source tree, I have to wait a really long (unacceptable) amount of time to get my results. I suppose it's only unacceptable because it locks out eclipse.
Anyhow, a list of changed files can be found in about 5-10% of the time of loading the compare. Does the recursive compare have to compare all the files before it can even show what's been changed? It's really annoying having to use tortoise to do these comparisons when the eclipse one is so much better.
Another solution would be to allow compares from the Show Pending Changes function. Edit: It seems that show pending changes does do a compare now - when did this happen?
Is it possible to mirror this functionality to the recursive compare? (ie, no loading until compare is done)
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