Cédric Chabanois wrote:
>>Command line. One problem is regardless of what I set javahl to
>>(true/false) I get the msg
>> [echo] buildtime 20040924.0913
>> [svn] Using command line interface
>>Svn : Checking out a working copy from a repository :
>>That's using ant with the -debug flag. So I'm guessing that means javahl
>>can't be found? The svnant task is
>Very strange. You are using command line interface so it should just
>executes svn.
>When do you get the message ? Before or after "[svn] Using command line
>interface" ?
Right after the Buildfile: build.xml line and before any of the output
from the targets is displayed. Normal and debug outputs below. Task
doesn't matter at all.
So where do all those DLL files go -- I really think that might be my
problem. I've got Subversion 1.08\bin in my path....
E:\temp\antdemo>ant getsource
Buildfile: build.xml
*CRASH* [error pops up here, I close it and things continue on]
[echo] getting build 20040927.1038
[svn] Using command line interface
Svn : Checking out a working copy from a repository :
co -r HEAD http://localhost/svn/sandbox E:\temp\antdemo\src --username
test --password ******* --non-interactive
Checked out revision 0.
Total time: 4 seconds
The debug output of the same task is
E:\temp\antdemo>ant -d getsource
Apache Ant version 1.6.1 compiled on February 12 2004
Buildfile: build.xml
Adding reference: ant.PropertyHelper
Detected Java version: 1.4 in: D:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_05\jre
Detected OS: Windows XP
Adding reference: ant.ComponentHelper
Setting ro project property: ant.version -> Apache Ant version 1.6.1
compiled on
February 12 2004
Setting ro project property: ant.file -> E:\temp\antdemo\build.xml
Adding reference: ant.projectHelper
Adding reference: ant.parsing.context
Adding reference: ant.targets
parsing buildfile E:\temp\antdemo\build.xml with URI =
Setting ro project property: ant.project.name -> FB2004
Adding reference: FB2004
Setting ro project property: ant.file.FB2004 -> E:\temp\antdemo\build.xml
Project base dir set to: E:\temp\antdemo
+Target: help
+Target: usage
+Target: init
+Target: clean
+Target: getsource
+Target: build
+Target: dist
+Target: deploy
Setting project property: server -> myServer
Setting project property: app -> myApplication
Setting project property: serverProps -> myServer.properties
Setting project property: appProps -> myApplication.properties
[property] Loading E:\temp\antdemo\myServer.properties
Setting project property: vss.writable -> true
Setting project property: build.dir -> build
Setting project property: src.dir -> src
Setting project property: dist.dir -> dist
[property] Loading E:\temp\antdemo\myApplication.properties
Setting project property: scc.username -> test
Setting project property: scc.password -> test
Setting project property: scc.javahl -> true
Setting project property: scc.applicationroot ->
Class org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTask loaded from parent loader
*CRASH* [error pops up here, I close it and things continue on]
+Datatype svn org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTask
Build sequence for target `getsource' is [init, getsource]
Complete build sequence is [init, getsource, deploy, usage, help, clean,
dist, ]
Setting project property: start.DSTAMP -> 20040927
Setting project property: start.TSTAMP -> 1040
Setting project property: start.TODAY -> September 27 2004
[echo] getting build 20040927.1040
[svn] Using command line interface
Svn : Checking out a working copy from a repository :
co -r HEAD http://localhost/svn/sandbox E:\temp\antdemo\src --username
jpa5n --p
assword ******* --non-interactive
Checked out revision 0.
Total time: 7 seconds
John Paul Ashenfelter
CTO/Founder Transitionpoint
Received on Tue Sep 28 00:43:17 2004