Hi, <http://subclipse.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12>
I have encountered proxy configuration issues with connecting to a subversion
repository through subclipse.
This was the total amount of information I have found on this topic:
After following this thread I found that the svn client does operate correctly
after following the configuration advice located here:
<http://subversion.tigris.org/project_faq.html#proxy> . However subclipse
still fails.
I have now identified using sysinternals.com filemon that eclipse is trying to
open the "servers" file however it does so using the eclipse configuration
directory NOT the subversion configuration directory. If I place the servers
file in the eclipse configuration directory; subclipse works fine.
The command I am using to launch eclipse is thus:
C:\DevApps\eclipse.3.0\eclipse.exe -data C:\DevApps\ -vmargs -DproxySet=true
-DproxyHost=***host*** -DproxyPort=8080h
It seems that subclipse is trying to load the "servers" file from the eclipse
process working directory "C:\DevApps\eclipse.3.0" - this does not seem to be
<http://people.csfb.net/from_gtd.asp?gtdid=488584> Si Cruse
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