Subclipse Tips and Hints?
From: Ashley Aitken <>
Date: 2004-08-26 07:28:05 CEST
Howdy All,
I've just started using Subversion and Subclipse on a project that is
However, as it seems like the documentation is a little scarce I would
I am using Eclipse 3.0.0 with Subclipse 0.9.13 and Subversion 1.0.0-12
I realise that these are not the latest version of Subversion but I am
So here are my questions:
* What are the (current, if any) limitations of Subclipse? i.e. are
* I seemed to have a problem deleting a package in a Java project. I
* Is Subclipse being used, or ready to be used, on large development
* Is there any more documentation somewhere? I have read the FAQ and
* Are there any other tips and hints people could provide for their
* Is Subclipse just as easy to use at it seems? ;-)
Once again, thanks to all the developers of Subclipse and thanks in
-- Ashley Aitken Perth, Western Australia mrhatken at mac dot comReceived on Thu Aug 26 15:28:05 2004 |
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