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Subclipse Tips and Hints?

From: Ashley Aitken <mrhatken_at_mac.com>
Date: 2004-08-26 07:28:05 CEST

Howdy All,

I've just started using Subversion and Subclipse on a project that is
going to get quite large. I am really impressed so far with the
integration of Subclipse into Eclipse - it's great, congratulations to
all the developers!

However, as it seems like the documentation is a little scarce I would
just like to ask some general questions (seeing as Subclipse is still
version 0.9). I hope people can provide some general answers ;-)

I am using Eclipse 3.0.0 with Subclipse 0.9.13 and Subversion 1.0.0-12
on MacOSX 10.3.5 with WebObjects 5.2.3 and WOLips 1.1 Beta 3.

I realise that these are not the latest version of Subversion but I am
a bit hesitate to upgrade because I would be in trouble if things break
- I believe Subclipse is tied somewhat to the version of Subversion
being used.

So here are my questions:

* What are the (current, if any) limitations of Subclipse? i.e. are
there any major problems or issues, or subversion commands that may not
work all that well, that I should know about?

* I seemed to have a problem deleting a package in a Java project. I
deleted it and then committed the delete, but the icon still remained
(with Subclipse repository and, what looked like, a "ghost" behind it,
am I right?).

* Is Subclipse being used, or ready to be used, on large development

* Is there any more documentation somewhere? I have read the FAQ and
the "Visual Guide" document.

* Are there any other tips and hints people could provide for their
experience for using Subclipse?

* Is Subclipse just as easy to use at it seems? ;-)

Once again, thanks to all the developers of Subclipse and thanks in
advance for any responses to these questions.


Ashley Aitken
Perth, Western Australia
mrhatken at mac dot com
Received on Thu Aug 26 15:28:05 2004

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