Patrick Dean Rusk wrote:
>"Reinhard Poetz" <> wrote...
>>Is it possible to use the Eclipse refactoring capabilities "rename" and
>>"move" in combination with Subclipse? If I use Eclipse to move around
>>code I always use the history but keeping it, is one of the major
>>advantages of Subversion.
>>Any ideas?
> That's the only thing I *do* use Subclipse for, because it sits in the
>background keeping track of refactoring. If you have installed it properly
>and shared your project through it (e.g., your "Team" menu now has lots of
>version control menu items), it should just work, and work very well.
> I have found that certain things should be done in steps to increase the
>likelihood of working. For instance, if I'm going to refactor a package
>name, I actually create the new empty package, check it in, moving the
>classes from the old package to the new, check that in, then delete the old
>(now empty) package and check that in. I don't know if that still needs to
>be done, but it's not much extra effort given the tremendous value of
>Eclipse/Subclipse handling the rest.
How do you manage to keep the history? If I use "Team --> Show in
Resource History" I can find all previous entries. I would expect that I
can track back all previous version, independent from their previous
Received on Thu Jul 22 00:18:13 2004