Subclipse ecplise 2.1 and svn 1.0
From: Alblas Huibert <>
Date: 2004-05-03 12:03:22 CEST
I have sucsefuly convinced our team to switch from
My colleagues and I are using Eclipse3M7
My boss is stil unsing Eclipse 2.1 because
The problem is that I cannot get sublcipse to work
What should I do now?
Can I install subversion 0.37 (where can I find the debs?)
Is there a change of getting subclipse for Eclipse2 linked against subverion
If someone could post some hints I could try to compile this myself,
Thank in advance.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards
Huibert Alblas
METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Metro-Straße 2, 40235 Düsseldorf
Telefon: (0211) 969-4513
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