Re: How to use subclipse in Linux?
From: McClain Looney <>
Date: 2004-01-27 22:39:56 CET
On Tuesday 27 January 2004 03:13 pm, Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:
> Choice? What choice? I'm interested in maintaining the Unix versions but I
yes, javahl is an option for you. i use it on linux and osx daily. perhaps i
> My point is: When we all agree that javahl is not a viable option right
that's what you're missing, it is viable, just not easy.
> Or more precisely: Why is javahl the *default* when it only works on
this "only works on windows" thing is just completely untrue. stop saying it.
> Well, a short howto would help. I'm on this list for only three days and
like i said, it's not easy. not even a little easy. maybe i'd write up a
> I think I made it clear by my actions that I'm willing to help to fix
You have a right to your opinion too, forgot to mention that earlier.
we were probably all too busy doing our day jobs. sorry we can't respond in a
I'm done with this. it's a waste of my time to argue more about whether you
That's gratitude for you I guess...
-- McClain Looney LoonSoft LLC m@loonsoft.comReceived on Wed Jan 28 08:39:56 2004 |
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