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Re: How to use subclipse in Linux?

From: McClain Looney <m_at_loonsoft.com>
Date: 2004-01-27 22:39:56 CET

On Tuesday 27 January 2004 03:13 pm, Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:

> Choice? What choice? I'm interested in maintaining the Unix versions but I
> only have access to Linux, so javahl is not an option for me. The cli
> version will work on any *nix without me having access to it, that's why I
> want the cli version.

yes, javahl is an option for you. i use it on linux and osx daily. perhaps i
wasn't clear on that.

> My point is: When we all agree that javahl is not a viable option right
> now, then why putting any effort in it?

that's what you're missing, it is viable, just not easy.

> Or more precisely: Why is javahl the *default* when it only works on
> Windows and even there only with an effort?

this "only works on windows" thing is just completely untrue. stop saying it.

> Well, a short howto would help. I'm on this list for only three days and
> already, two people have asked how to get subclipse to work in linux.
> I still have to see an answer to their questions.

like i said, it's not easy. not even a little easy. maybe i'd write up a
howto, but javahl breaks differently with each release (as you mention). As
a linux user, you have absolutely no right to documentation, help or any
other handholding, other than that which the VOLUNTEERS decide to write.
Please stop pretending you are being trod on.

> I think I made it clear by my actions that I'm willing to help to fix
> the bugs which subclipse has but insisting on an API which I cannot
> run nor test makes this very hard for me: Since most developers of
> subclipse seem to prefer javahl, the bugs in there are given more priority
> while cli would work better for everyone. Additional bonus: more people
> could help to improve subclipse.

You have a right to your opinion too, forgot to mention that earlier.

> The username/password bug is an excellent example: It's probably a cli-only
> bug. I've posted it here several times with a plea for help (I just need
> the name of the classes where the password is read in in the GUI so I could
> try to track this one down) but nobody cared.

we were probably all too busy doing our day jobs. sorry we can't respond in a
timely enough fashion for you. but you can't beat the price for the service.

I'm done with this. it's a waste of my time to argue more about whether you
are getting appropriate customer service for a product you didn't pay for.

That's gratitude for you I guess...

McClain Looney
LoonSoft LLC
Received on Wed Jan 28 08:39:56 2004

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