Has anyone seen the problem of the author field not being set when
committing to a source repository??
I'm sure someone has b/c it was mentioned as the reason for a bug in a
the file history (ie. subclipse didn't handle an empty author field
well), but I would like to know why the author field is actually empty
on commit in the first place.
Might be a problem at my end or a problem in subclipse?
ps. in response to the McClain's post dev@subclipse post re: success of
Linux users. Although I can't use your prebuilt versions b/c I'm using
Eclispe 2.1, when merging the Win32 UI/CORE and the Linux
NATIVE+javahl.so directories it works just fine.
- Greg
Greg Irvine
Senior Software Engineer (HMI)
Thales ATM, Melbourne, Australia
E-mail: greg.irvine@thalesatm.com
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Received on Mon Nov 10 09:51:28 2003