A patch would be really great Nico ...
> Garret Wilson wrote:
>> Looks like nothing Subversion-related happened. Isn't Subclipse 0.7.0
>> supposed to support refactoring? Or am I using a too-recent Eclipse?
> I don't know exactly for 0.7, 0.6 needed some patching to work
> correctly with Eclipse 3.0 M2 (some classes from Eclipse have moved to
> another package and so on, the Eclipse API is moving as you may know).
> I will try to have a look at it on the weekend and maybe submit some
> patches if I find a solution to make the changes compatible with 2.1.
> Didn't know if someone else is interested in 3.0 before, so I patched
> it only for my own use until now.
> Nico
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Received on Mon Aug 25 08:33:10 2003