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[Subclipse-dev] Subclipse 1.4.5 Posted

From: Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:43:04 -0400

I am please to announce a new Subclipse release has been posted to the
update site. This release includes a number of fixes and enhancements
that have been requested. There was one interesting fix made. A
couple of people pointed out to me that Subclipse was really slow when
sharing a new project. I did some tests and was able to recreate
this. Sharing a project simply involves a mkdir, followed by a
checkout and then an Add + Commit of the files. It was really the
commit process that was causing the problem so the fix could be a
general performance improvements in a lot of situations. The problem
turned out to be really silly. Basically when we log our pseudo
commit command to the console we would name all of the paths being
committed. This turned out to be make the Console code that turns
paths into hyperlinks go haywire and consume a ton of CPU for a very
long amount of time. So the fix we made was in any command that logs
paths, if there are more than 5 paths we just do not log any of them
in the console. Since the commit message itself could also create a
problem like this we now only log the first line to the console.
These changes combine to deliver a massive performance improvement to
the commit operation. I suspect it could impact any commit that
involves a large number of files or a very long commit message.

The update site now also includes the latest version of SVNKit as
announced earlier today.

As always, the changelog can be viewed online:


Reproduced below:

I will be posting zipped versions of the update site later today.

Version 1.4.5
26 September 2008

from: /trunk

* Refresh SVN repositories tree when folder is added/delete to root. (791)
* Performance improvement - if action involves more than 5 paths do
not write them to the console. (793)
* Performance improvement - only write first line of a commit message
to the console. (793)
* Show progress while adding unversioned resource during commit. (793)
* Commit/revert dialog decorator for unversioned files. (794)
* Commit/revert dialog decorator for missing files. (794)
* Truncated values in Subversion resource property page. (797)
* Toggle checked state for all selected nodes when spacebar pressed. (798)
* Add UI to Show Annotations option to expose options available to user. (799)
* Performance fix when default port is redundantly specified in
repository URL. (796)

Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-09-26 17:43:16 CEST

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