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Re: [Subclipse-dev] Welcome Google SoC Students

From: Eugene Kuleshov <eu_at_md.pp.ru>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 17:57:15 -0400

  I would like to join Mark in welcoming SoC students and wish them to
have great time in contributing to Subclipse project during this Summer.

  Now I would like to share few thought about the development process.

  First of all, we should create two issues in Subclipse IssueZilla for
both projects and assign them to Alberto and Thaminda. Additional issues
can be created ad added as "depends on" into those two umbrella issues.

  I think it would be extremely useful to have regular status report to
discuss progress, architecture and any issues that may block or slow
down students with their work, say every week or two. Because we all in
different time zones, we could just do it over email, but if we can
agree on time, it can be also done on irc or skype.

  Not sure if it had been discussed already, but I think it is probably
good idea to create branches at for each student's project and do a code
review from time to time. http://subclipse.tigris.org/svn/subclipse/branches

  Also, students could use their own blogs to demonstrate their
progress. We could probably link those blogs from Subclipse project page
to help popularize this work. This practice been used last year by
Eclipse SoC students and I think it worked really well. They even had an
aggregated blog for this. See http://eclipse-soc.blogspot.com/

  What do you guys tink?


Mark Phippard wrote:
> The Google SoC application process has officially concluded. Our
> project was allocated a total of 2 slots for this year. This is the
> first time our project has participated in Google SoC. I am
> personally looking forward to working with the students and helping
> them bring their project ideas to fruition.
> You can see the applications that have been accepted this year here:
> http://code.google.com/soc/2008/subclipse/about.html
> The first project is to be able to show revision history as a revision
> graph. The student for this project will be Alberto Gimeno and I will
> be the mentor for this project. This is a very exciting project as
> this has been a long requested feature by Subclipse users. This is a
> fairly challenging project and Alberto has some great ideas for how to
> bring this feature to Subclipse.
> The second project is to implement the Eclipse File System and
> HistoryProvider API's in Subclipse. The student for this project will
> be Thaminda Karunanayake and Eugene Kuleshov will be the mentor for
> this project. This is a good SoC project. We have had several people
> contact us in the past about supporting these API's. When we have
> support for them, it makes it much easier for third parties to build
> applications that get Subversion information via Subclipse. More
> importantly, it allows these applications abstract that logic so that
> they could be talking to CVS or Subversion, or something else. This
> is the kind of feature that would make Subclipse a better project but
> would be hard for us to normally justify the time to spend on
> implementing it. Nonetheless, having this feature can really help us
> to grow our ecosystem and extend our reach in the Eclipse platform.
> Students, I started to put together some information on developing for
> Subclipse:
> http://subclipse.tigris.org/dev/index.html
> There is good information on that page, but I sort of ran out of time
> and did not go quite as in depth as I had hoped. Just please ask
> questions as you get them. I am typically online in IRC in the
> #subclipse chat room. I am on the US East Coast and available during
> normal working hours for that timezone. As much as possible, I would
> encourage, beg, you to use this mailing list:
> dev_at_subclipse.tigris.org. We have four regular committers that have
> agreed to serve as mentors for SoC. They are myself, Eugene, Steve
> Elsemore and Brock Janiczak. If you use the mailing lists, it allows
> us to increase our bandwidth by enabling any or all of us to help you
> succeed.
> Anyway welcome. In the time between now and the start of coding, we
> hope you get some time to checkout the code and start looking at it.
> It would also be great to hear from you in this mailing list and start
> getting to know you and offer you whatever assistance we can.

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Received on 2008-04-23 23:57:37 CEST

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