Hi Joseph,
I initiated that original discussion. I did implement this, and my patch
essentially did what yours does, but I did not post because I was hoping
to add functionality to talk to an ssh agent from svnkit or javahl to
avoid passing around unencrypted passphrases (with the comamand line
client, this works automagically, but it was not available for us
everywhere). This undertaking turned out to be beyond me, and we
eventually abandoned this approach. I hope your patch is accepted, since
the limited functionality here essentially works for 90% of our needs.
If I find some spare time, I'll try replacing my patch with yours and
testing our system with that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Richey <runner_31337@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: dev@subclipse.tigris.org
To: dev@subclipse.tigris.org
Subject: [Subclipse-dev] [PATCH] Add Public/Private Key Authentication
to SvnAnt
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:26:53 -0800 (PST)
The attached patch adds the ability to specify a
private key for authentication while using svnAnt and
the svn+ssh protocol. It basically addresses the same
issue that was discussed back in August, but I didn't
see a patch for that one
An example of my build.xml is:
<svn passPhrase="superSecret"
<info target="${infile}" />
This was put together quickly, and its current
stability level is "It seemed to work for me" (TM). If
you want to apply the patch, I would suggest further
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Received on Fri Dec 28 20:52:04 2007